That's right! I draw

Well, barely, but still :P

I used to be a mouse artist but I switched to drawing tablet courtesy of a teacher of mine

  I am an (amateur) artist! I can draw ideas I am thinking of, though not very high in quality. I have been drawing since... I think it was summer of 2022? Really appreciate all the people who supported me thus far on my journey.

Shoutout to all these artists
Their icons can be viewed by opening them on new tab
Artists with blank icons mean they didn't submit an icon
Artists without icons I don't consider friends, though I'm always open to add a new icon if you know what I mean :P
Artists with buttons get them put on here out of web 1.0 etiquette

Btw, if you're here from Artfight, here is a page to the photos

Oh yeah also, have my art accounts:

Oof, no image :( My main OC:

I am so fucking normal rn